Mario Mendez graduated from ASU with a Bachelor of Science in Computer
Information Systems from the W.P. Carey and a Bachelor of Fine Arts
from the Herberger Institute.
Mario was born and raised in Arizona,
where he persues a career in art and technology.
Mario currently works as a software developer and web designer for
General Motors in Chandler.
Mario's interest in photography and art began as a high school freshman
during his stay in a remote boarding school outside of Tombstone.
It was the wide open, secluded spaces of the desert and beauty of the
South West that sparked his interest in landscape photography.
Since then Mario has expanded his interests beyond landscapes.
In high school Mario was the photo editor of the yearbook and in
college Mario worked as a photojournalist for ASU's State Press,
gaining recognition from other university paper's as well as the
NY Times.
In the Herberger,
Mario discovered a love of many photographic styles,
finding interest in street photography (during family vacations),
and straight photography that emphasized the graphic nature of
industrial, man made objects.
Mario was exposed to and mastered many photographic techniques,
from 19th century process such as albumen printing, cyanotypes,
and wet plate collodion. To traditional 20th century black and white
dark room processes, and 21st century digital manipulation
and digital printing. During his time at the Hergberger,
Mario garnered knowledge from highly admired artists
such as Binh Danh, Mark Klett, Michael Lundgren, and Stephen Marc Smith.
Currently, Mario is working to develop this website,
and fill it with more art, while doing freelance photography on
occasion. Don't be afraid to
More to come!